MRO - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Nope, not enough, not nearly enough help is readily available in the MRO world.

MRO materials management is the 'too-hard basket' that very few people pay much attention to it. I'm going to write about a few of the struggles and learnings that I've had on my journey. My focus will be to help you measure, understand, and improve your MRO materials management position.

EVERY business purchases and consumes MRO materials to some degree. Industries like oil and gas, mining, chemicals, and heavy manufacturing buy, hold, and consume more than most. So, let me quickly define MRO so that we are on the same page. This interpretation or definition may vary a bit around the world, but this is how I will explain them:

M: Maintenance Materials

R: Repairable Materials

O: Operating Materials

I would NEVER call myself a writer - not even good at texting - so you will need to give me a bit of slack with this blog. I will always do my best to share my thoughts, experiences, and learning from my years in the world of MRO materials management.

The potential for businesses to make significant improvements through RISK REDUCTION and COST SAVINGS is real and not difficult to achieve with the right approach and clarity. This is what I will be writing about. If I catch your attention, please reach out, questions don't cost a thing, but SLOBEX does!

An article in Uptime Magazine written by Rich MacInnes put surplus inventory in 2007 at $136 BILLION.

With a modest 3% increase annually, that puts the number at about $212 BILLION in 2022.

So, if I said that anyone reading this could reduce your risk exposure and reduce your working capital cost by at least 2.5% per annum, would you be interested?

If yes, contact us now!
